The Michael Brill Fund

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BOSTI Associate's core business focuses on analyses that enable workplace planning and design to support desired business outcomes, increase individual and team job performance, enhance job satisfaction, and make the most efficient use of facility resources. There are substantial benefits from effective workplace design if it supports the particular workplace behaviors needed to enable your business' success. BOSTI offers several kinds of workplace research and analysis engagements that rigorously identify your workplace needs and develop innovative work-supportive design concepts. We offer six basic services and can craft others you might need.


  • An in-depth, rigorous assessment of business-driven workplace needs … appropriate for larger, more complex organizations having a wide variety of job titles and job levels

  • Employs both quantitative and qualitative data gathering and analytical methods to understand your business goals and challenges, your workplace culture, and your staff's specific range of work behaviors and needs, now and in the future

  • Establishes quantitative priorities of specific workplace qualities' contributions to your business' success factors, so that investments are targeted to reap the greatest benefits.

  • Develops situation-specific design concept recommendations so that analytical findings are translated into business-supportive and resource-efficient workplace designs

  • Using specific criteria, selects groups and individual as appropriate candidates for hotelling or the various forms of telework.


  • A rigorous assessment of business-driven workplace needs … appropriate for smaller, less complex organizations having a narrower range of job titles and job levels

  • Employs primarily qualitative data gathering and analytical methods to understand your business goals and challenges, your workplace culture, and your staff's specific range of work behaviors and needs, now and in the future

  • Infers the general priorities of most-appropriate workplace qualities based on qualitative findings about your business and the contributions to business success found in previous research

  • Develops situation-specific design concept recommendations so that findings are translated into business-supportive and resource-efficient workplace designs


  • Includes programs of observations, interviews, and questionnaires designed to provide objective (rather than anecdotal) assessments of workplace conditions to serve as bases for corrective actions

  • A Workplace Diagnostic measures how well/ how poorly an existing physical environment supports the workforce and its workplace needs, and provide indications of recommended action
    Note: A Workplace Diagnostic is included in our Research-Based Workplace Analysis

  • Post-occupancy evaluations assess the effectiveness of recently redesigned workspaces, resulting in recommendations for fine-tuning of the environment and/or of the design for subsequent projects

  • Used together, the workplace Diagnostic serves as a benchmark for improvement, and the Pre- and Post-Occupancy Evaluation process provides an objective before-and-after comparison, to examine the effects on the business(es) of recently redesigned workplaces


  • Research projects explore the causal relationships between workplaces (and their physical features), the work behaviors they influence, and important business outcomes

  • Research engagements may be specific to a particular client, an industry, or a job category; or may reach across clients, industries, and/or workforces
    Note: When several organizations are involved, results are reported for the studied groups as a whole, so no organization receives information about another

Service #5: CONSULTING:

  • Provides workplace recommendations primarily based on BOSTI's past experience and extensive research database, rather than on in-depth analysis of the client's situation

  • Most often used in short lead time, "crisis" situations, or for small organizations with few job types that are unable to financially justify a full workplace analysis process

  • Develops general design concept recommendations based on past experience with similar companies' best practices in business-supportive and resource-efficient workplace designs

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